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BPAN Discussion Forum

A new forum dedicated to BPAN and accessible to all!

The Autour du bpan association is proud to announce the creation of its new forum:

“This forum allows people affected or made aware of BPAN to bond and get closer. Whether we live in France or around the world, our exchanges, our testimonies bring us precious help.", Explains Dany, communications manager and co-founder of Autour du BPAN.

Carine, forum manager and Emma's mom adds: "I take great pleasure in taking care of this forum, it allows me to invest myself in this association which is close to my heart. Because it is important not to feel isolated, this forum is a source of mutual aid between parents where we discuss without taboo or judgment. I regularly propose various subjects on which I invite you to come and exchange and share.”

It is a useful tool for people who do not have access to social networks. This forum will be intended for all thanks to the implementation of translations. Extensions are being developed so that posts are automatically translated according to the language of the user: The disease knows no borders and it is very difficult for everyone to follow discussions in various languages. It's energy consuming and elitist.

Another way of exchanging that has proven itself compared to modern instant communication tools: Unlike discussions on social networks, the forum allows you to keep a history and classify topics. This "asynchronous" discussion mode allows users not to miss an exchange, to make their contribution when they wish. We know very well the busy schedule of parents with a child suffering from a rare disease. It also allows newcomers to perhaps find answers to questions directly and to feel better integrated: it is difficult to arrive in an already existing group.

This forum is not a public forum. To prevent messages from being accessible to the public, after be registered, you must introduce yourself, express the link you have with the disease. After validation, it is then possible to access all the discussions on the BPAN of the forum.

Forum to find on: https://www.autourdubpan.fr/forum/

D@Nco - 03/05/20